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Basic Usage Principles for CADDIT forums

PostPosted:Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:21 am
by scanf

I am asked to relay the following information:
1. Before posting on this forum, try to read other posts to see what others have experienced. Useful when posting a problem is very accurate and DETAILED steps to reproducing the error. It also helps greatly in many cases if you can provide an example file to our support.
2. No swearing or restricted content that would be deemed malicious, pornographic, disruptive, subversive or otherwise purely negative.
3. SPAM will not be tolerated. Non-competing product lines relevant to a respective forum may be announced. We prune adverts to our personal discretion. Best is to contact us before posting a product or service announcement here. Obvious spammers will be banned on site and could have their IP blacklisted from CADDIT entirely. Don't chance it.
4. Illegal activity that infringes on copyrights, patents, trademarks and other property relevant to Australian and international law is prohibited.
5. Slander, Libel and other forms of personal deformation are grounds for immediate and permanent ban. Content may be used thereafter as evidence in any investigations by relevant legal authorities.
6. Take adult responsibility for what you write. We do not verify the age of each member and try not to "police" the forum.
7. Activity that is otherwise considered illegal, either in the state of New South Wales, the Commonwealth of Australia, or by international treaty is not permitted here. Aforementioned legal repercussions apply.
8. does not take responsibility for actions of member or their posts. will comply with any criminal or civil investigation deemed enforceable either by aforementioned state, national or international law.
9. Otherwise have fun and use common sense. :wink: